Thursday, June 3, 2010

Another Miracle

Yesterday I visited Wings of Hope, one of the homes that Brother Michael and St. Joseph's established for children with disabilities. Several years ago, when French missionaries announced they were leaving Haiti and needed to find care for the disabled children under their supervision, Michael took some of the older boys from St. Joseph's to choose a child to bring home and care for. But the boys surprised Michael when they chose to adopt all the children, reminding him that he had taught them that with God, all things are possible.

Wings of Hope thrived. It was recently rebuilt and expanded to include a day school for disabled community children, along with guest facilities. It was largely staffed by graduates of St. Joseph's.

But when the earthquake happened, the buildings housing Wings of Hope were destroyed. Not a single child was injured or killed. Those currently working to clear the land so that new buildings can be constructed, using earthquake resistant building materials, said that they thought it was another miracle that all of the children in the home are alive and well.

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